Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Convention Survey Online Now
Thank you for your input!
ITB, Hannah
Monday, June 21, 2010
Ragged Return
The next night I had to be in two places at once!!! I assisted our NPC delegates with flag practice for the Panhellenic luncheon. Being an assistant Panhellenic adviser at my campus, this has a special place in my heart. I got to talk with some of the chapter president's and new CDC's which was also really fun.
When that finished, I rushed up to the Resolutions committee meeting. The ladies were already finihing up their drafts of their Resolution which meant that my job was ready to start. One by one they copied their Resolution onto my USB drive so I could format them and get it all printed. That wound up being a late night after Constitution's Chairman, Carole Haney, and I fought with the Hotel printer!!! I finally just went downstairs and used the one in the lobby! They turned out beautifully! I spent the next day trying to not bend the crisp folders they were placed in... if we ever meet, you will learn that grace is NOT in my name ;)
The rest of the time was spent attending the sessions and chatting with sisters. Again, I cannot express the feeling you get when you're surrounded by hundreds of people and they're ALL sisters!
After the awards ceremony, sisters gathered all over to spend time catching up and socializing! It was so much fun to be able to reconnect with one another... even if it was past my bed time ;)
Packing up proved to be a challenge after all my purchases at the Anchor Marketplace, and I was certain I'd be over the airline weight limit... but weighing in at 50.5 pounds, the man who checked my bag let me through!!!! I still don't know how I got that lucky!
Only approximately 730 more days until we meet again in Indiannapolis!!! I can't wait! Start saving now and join us!
Megan Petter
Gamma Nu - University of North Texas
Dallas North Cities Alumnae Chapter/Denton Alumnae Association
Denver is my 2nd Convention!!!
P.S. I have the daily Foundation Garden of Giving totals, and I will upload them tonight!
Anchor items RESOURCES
Throughout Convention, we spotted lots of anchor clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry and even tattoos. Make sure you check back for a vast compilation of terrific designs and ingenious creations that were seen (and photographed for posterity and this blog). Take a look at just how crazy we all are for ANCHORS!
A few resources for those of you to get some of the anchor goods:
**Great embroidered anchor line at www.talbots.com
**Fantastically soft and darling jammies at Dillards - or online at www.dillards.com - look up mix-and-match separates (pink and orange)
** Anchors galore, including the great anchor sweaters: www.llbean.com
** Anchor tote made of recycled sails: www.seabags.com
** Jessica Simpson anchor print luggage (yes, I said luggage!): available online at various stores or if you are lucky, at TJ Maxx and/or Marshalls.
Staige Davis Hodges, Beta Theta-Duke
Portland Suburban alumnae chapter
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Outstanding Alumnae Chapter and Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Awards.
The anticipation built all night as we all waited for the culminating event - the presentation of the Outstanding Alumnae Chapter and the Outstanding Collegiate Chapter awards. The night had already toasted many Delta Gamma mountain climbers. By the end of the evening we will have celebrated 83 Collegiate chapters winning 106 collegiate awards and recognized 92 alumnae chapters winning 110 alumnae awards, presenting a total of 216 awards overall.
There are three divisions for the outstanding alumnae chapter award, which recognize chapters that excel overall in meeting fraternity standards.
This year’s Division I (chapters with up to 49 local dues paid members) runner up for Outstanding Alumnae Chapter has a long history of setting high goals for itself. Not only did it achieve an amazing blend of outreach, programming, service and membership development, it added an entire programming function that revolved around the care of one of their own members ‐ a former chapter officer ‐ who was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer at the beginning of the biennium. The Northern Colorado alumnae chapter accepted their award in memory of their beloved sister, Kathie Zier.
The Division I winner, Chicago (city), is a chapter that the awards committee and their regional alumnae specialist agree is “an exemplary chapter that should be used as a model for other urban chapters with a diverse membership where events are not held in members’ homes.” While they live in a large urban area, their core group of local dues paying “city” members is small. But it doesn’t matter. This chapter demonstrates a high level of sophistication. It contributes an impressive 37 advisers and house corporation members (which is practically every local dues‐paying member) to nearby collegiate chapters, and its very first sailing for sight fund raiser brought in more than $7,000.
This year’s Division II runner up, Washington DC, not only boasts solid leadership, an array of compelling programs and many special interest groups, it may very well be Delta Gamma’s most technically savvy alumnae group. With an impressive communications program that utilizes live twitter feeds, a facebook page, a google group, electronic newsletters and e‐mail blasts.
The Division II winner sets both chapter and officer level goals, and is rewarded with a healthy, growing, dynamic chapter. Their engaging programming appeals to their broad range of membership, which ranges from 24‐80 years old. They never forget the importance of personal outreach either. Each new member receives a special gift at her first meeting, and then receives a follow‐up e‐mail or phone call.
There are many service opportunities and ways for every member to find her niche.
Congratulations to our Division II winner: Northern Virginia!
The division III (chapters with 106 or more local dues‐paying members)
runner up Denver (our convention host city) does everything well. From outreach, to enjoying a century of programming, to writing the book on foundation service and fund raising, this chapter balances its rich heritage with new and exciting events for its members. They even have a poker special interest group!
Every region has that ‘dream chapter’ that self motivates and governs, meets all regional
expectations, has excellent communication and whose members love the experience they have. That is a most fitting description of our Division III winner. They are indeed dream girls! The winner of outstanding chapter for division iii is: Portland Suburban!
Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award recognizes chapter excellence across all
areas of the Fraternity. To be eligible, a chapter must have won the Patricia Peterson Danielson award both years of the biennium and must, of course, be in good standing. The winners are chosen by council. There are three divisions for this award, based on the size of the campus panhellenic system.
Division I is for chapters on campuses with 1 to 6 panhellenic groups.
The runner up in Division I is continually assessing its strengths and weaknesses and is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. They offer a truly rich chapter experience to their members. The runner up for the Oustanding Chapter Award
Division I, is Region 8’s own Epsilon Zeta‐Loyola Marymount.
The winner of the outstanding collegiate chapter award in Division I has excelled from the moment they were installed as a Chapter. It’s no wonder that they received the Banta award at the 2008 convention. Tonight they are recognized again. Congratulations to our Division 1 winner: Theta Beta‐Case!
Division II is for chapters on campuses with 7 to 10 panhellenic groups.
The runner up in Division II,Alpha Nu-USC recruits well, programs well and operates extremely well – especially given their large membership.
So many women on campus want to be a member of this chapter.
From academics to leadership to sports to just having a great time together, there is no stopping the pride of the 230 members of our Division II outstanding chapter: Delta Lambda‐Mississippi state.
Division III is for chapters on campuses with 11 or more panhellenic groups.
The runners up – and yes that’s plural because there was a tie for the runners‐up of outstanding collegiate chapter award in Division III ‐ both strive to perfect internal operations, honor their respective long‐time histories, all while making their mark on campus. Our first recipient used its strong leadership to create a more united sisterhood, and their chapter president was recognized as most outstanding on campus. Congratulations Beta‐Washington.
Debbie: our second recipient for runner‐up for outstanding chapter in division iii boasts broad campus leadership in many key positions, 20% of its members in honor societies, and they held their 121st founders day this year. Congratulations: kappa‐nebraska!
Debbie: the winner of the outstanding chapter award in division iii is described by their regional
Team and atc by these words: “respected. Mature. Leadership through any adversity. A true desire to do the best at everything, which shows in all they touch.”
I am proud to present the outstanding chapter award, division iii, to eta gamma‐texas a&m.
Visual: eta gamma‐texas a&m
We have celebrated you‐‐‐the delta gamma women who shine brilliantly and make our fraternity the very best. Congratulations to everyone and start planning now for Indianapolis in 2012!!!
George Banta Award
While Delta Gamma was founded in Mississippi by three outstanding women, I, George Banta am credited with the Fraternity’s expansion to the North. With an emphasis on growth and development the award honors new chapters with a strong beginning.
Recognizing collegiate chapters that have been established for between two and five years, the Banta Award honors a young chapter that is exceptional in most areas of chapter life. Winners demonstrate recruitment excellence, solid member education, organized and effective retreats, respect for risk management policies, leadership within the panhellenic community, a healthy honor board system that promotes accountability and recognition, strong alumnae relations and a genuine rapport with their advisers. Eta Pi‐Depaul, the recipient this years George Banta Award, is a chapter that made its mark on campus immediately, raising the bar for excellence. With a desire to do their best all the time, they remind us all that extraordinary results can be achieved when you are united in purpose and spirit. You go girls!!
Founders Award
Delta Gamma daughter Amy, also from Alpha Nu chapter.
The Founders Award recognizes collegiate chapters for reaching levels of excellence with outstanding programming by fostering high ideals of friendship among college women; promoting their educational and cultural interests; creating in them a true sense of social responsibility; and developing in them the best qualities of character.
The Division I (chapters with up to 65 members) winner Gamma Pi-Roanoke successfully integrated its new member class into the chapter by organizing meaningful firesides with each class focused around a theme. They also mastered multi‐purpose programming. They organized a cup cake decorating sisterhood event and then presented the cupcakes to their advisers as a way to say thank you!
Zeta Gamma‐Richmond won for the Division II category (chapters with 66 to 95 members). They ask each member to write a letter to the new members, sharing what Delta Gamma means to them. What a terrific way to illustrate delta gamma’s purpose!
The Division III (chapters who have 96‐125 members) winning chapter Kappa-Nebraska goes the extra mile to ensure the success of their programming. During a health and wellness Anchors of Discovery event, the chapter utilized the expertise of a member who is a nutrition major to help lead a discussion on healthy eating.
Gamma Zeta‐Louisiana State will be bringing home the Division IV (chapters with 126 or more members) Founders Award for their overall success! They have been recognized with the Panhellenic Sisterhood Award, which is given to one NPC group each year and is selected by the other panhellenic chapters. In addition they ensure continual fraternity education by presenting a DG history fact and ritual fact at each chapter meeting.
Outstanding House Corporation Award
This award is given in three categories to recognize groups with a chapter house and those without housing.
The winner of the “outstanding house corporation with a house‐house corporation managed” award is a house corporation that complies with all fraternity and governmental financial requirements, has a fully functional 5 year plan and as their regional housing specialists says is “outstanding, engaged an takes their role seriously, but has a lot of fun along the way.” Congratulations Region 7 and Beta House Corporation‐University of Washington.
Working proactively, this next winning house corporation has gone the extra mile. This is an outstanding house corporation—their regional housing specialist says she wishes she had more like them. They understand term limits, they always file reports on time and they are just an outstanding group of women to work with. For their excellent work Region 4, Theta Beta House Corporation‐Case Western Reserve University was awarded the Outstanding House Corporation with a House‐University Managed award.
Not every chapter has a house but they are still required to have a House Corporation. Outstanding House Corporation Award with a lodge, suite, room or no housing award went to a house corporation that has done a great job in renovating the chapter suite, improving it over the years. As their regional housing specialist says, this group always
Congratulations Region 4 and Gamma Omicron House Corporation‐Indiana State University as the Outstanding House Corporation with a lodge, suite, room or no housing.
Collumnae Awards
These awards recognize outstanding collaborative programming between
an alumnae chapter and one collegiate chapter. This award is given in two categories: nearby and at a distance.
The runner‐up for Collumnae at a Distance is a chapter that has, since 1990, faithfully supported a collegiate chapter that is 2 ½ hours away. No small feat. They provide scholarships, advisers and house corporation officers – all of whom make the trip to serve on site – for meetings, recruitment events and other activities. They also are helping to organize the collegiate chapter’s 40th anniversary celebration, and are trying to establish a new local alumnae group closer to the collegiate chapter to boost Delta Gamma involvement all around. The runner‐up for the collumnae ‐ at a distance award went to the Cincinnati alumnae for their support of Delta Omicron Chapter.
The winner in the At a Distance category supports the Epsilon Nu collegiate chapter as if it were in their own backyard – even though it is 2 ½ hours away. In addition to providing advisers, they provide recruitment support, exam survival packs, a networking event, they also have members who attend the chapter’s Founders day and provide the pins for senior bridging, which they present to the chapter in person at the ceremony. Region 2 Director Melissa Hansen is proud of the support Epsilon Nu Chapter receives from our winning alumnae chapter – Northern Virginia.
The Fraternity also recognizes alumnae for their efforts to support local collegiate chapters with the Nearby category of the Collumnae Award. The alumnae group that was recognized as runner up provides 19 advisers and house corporation officers to their chapter. The alumnae and collegiate chapter work together to plan joint activities, and the two groups enjoyed seven events together each year of the biennium, including several service for sight projects. The alumnae chapter is active and present in recruitment, the parents club and the collegiate chapter’s Anchor Splash. The runner‐up for collumnae‐nearby, with their support of Beta Chapter, went to the Seattle Area alumnae.
The winner in the nearby category supports its chapter with 15 advisers and house corporation officers, and work with their collegians to communicate that “Delta Gamma is for life!” Their unique version of an Aunt Hannah program begins at the collegiate chapter’s initiation, when each new member’s Aunt Hannah is present at the
moment she receives her Delta Gamma badge. Talk about mentoring!
The Alpha Kappa chapter is so appreciative of the support they receive from our winner the Topeka alumnae group.
Alumnae Membership Development Award
The creativity and thought behind the programs of the chapters that applied for this award reflected so many groups’ focus on Delta Gamma’s values and founding principles. With a change in how we collect dues and a down economy, the task of increasing membership was challenging, but a number of chapters succeeded indeed!
The runner‐ up chapter not only had a significant increase in local dues‐paying members they also had a 207% increase in average attendance. This is a chapter that combined information age communications with personal outreach. In addition to technology, they also sent personal thank you letters to anyone paying per capita dues with a message to also pay local dues. The President of this chapter called members each week to invite them to events and promote the chapter. And, finally, the runner‐up had each officer personally host an event so that more members had a personal stake in the chapter’s success. For their tremendous success and creativity the runner‐up for the alumnae membership development award went to Northern Nevada.
Our winning chapter, also with a substantial increase of local dues‐paying members took a proactive and strategic approach to developing its membership. With 83% of its members initiated before 1970, the chapter knew it needed to reach out and attract younger alumnae without losing focus on its core membership. They conducted interviews and focus groups, and adapted its program offerings to include weekday, weekend and evening events. They partnered with the lions club to enhance its service for sight initiatives. They boosted their electronic communications. The result has been improvement overall with a record number of dues‐paying members and doubling their service hours. The winner of the alumnae membership development award is Greater Naples. Way to go women!!
Boersma Website Awards
The award acknowledges the increasing and changing importance of electronic communications to the Delta Gamma experience by recognizing outstanding web sites that have been created by our alumnae and collegiate chapters. Web sites are often individuals first point of contact with Delta Gamma. At any time, day or night, from any part of the globe, a Delta Gamma can log onto the internet and connect to her sisters. Anyone who is not a Delta Gamma can learn about our Fraternity’s incredible reach and deeds. We are continually impressed by the way our alumnae are mastering the internet’s oceans. The majority of our alumnae groups have a presence on the World Wide Web and many have also taken it to the next level, sharing their accomplishments and reaching out to new members through social networking with sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Grosse Pointe alumnae received the alumnae runner award for their website which is fresh with a clean feel that makes it easy to navigate and read. Their site truly shows the history and personality of the chapter and makes the viewer want to be a part of all that
This year’s winning alumnae web site award went to Austin for their terrific job integrating the Delta Gamma brand with the chapter’s personality. The highly interactive and well‐designed site offers something for everyone – whether you want to register your DG legacy with executive offices, view the online scrapbook or click on a section of town to find out who your carpool captain is for the next alumnae meeting.
Our collegiate web sites have many different audiences. Web sites communicate with existing members and advisers, attract potential new members, and introduce the chapter and Delta Gamma to parents and college administrators. While they may share in common with whom they are communicating, each chapter’s personality clearly shines through in how they choose to communicate their information. No two are alike. These winning sites stand out as leaders not only among the other DG collegiate sites, but also from the other sorority web sites on their local campuses.
This year’s collegiate web site runner‐up has done a terrific job of presenting a clean design with a clear message. Their site boasts Delta Gamma’s value proposition up front, and uses historical and contemporary photos, graphics, and even video to tell the DG story. Congratulations to Beta Zeta‐Denison, the runner up of the Barbara Boersma Outstanding Collegiate Website Award.
The winner of the Collegiate Boersma Website Award is Theta‐Indiana. This chapter not only has outstanding design and incorporation of the Delta Gamma brand, it achieves something that many corporate web sites struggle to do: it changes its content on a regular basis, which not only ensures that regular readers remain engaged, but it gives the site the added benefit of a higher search engine results score. In other words, it’s more likely to be the first result you see when you google, “Delta Gamma” and the name of this winning chapter’s school.
Check out all these award winning sites!
Austin Alumnae Chapter
Gross Pointe Michigan Alumnae Chapter - http://gpdgalumnae.com/gpdgalumnae.com
Theta – Indiana
Beta Zeta – Denison
Glitz, Glitter and Awards!
This is Hannah coming to you live from downtown Denver. Wow what a night it was for Delta Gamma!
The excitement mounted as we sat at the final awards banquet for the winners of the first of the award categories to be announced.
The Outstanding Alumnae Programming award honors Chapters for outstanding programming that embodies the spirit of the Delta Gamma philosophy for one fiscal year of the biennium. There are three divisions for this award based on the size of the alumnae group. Chapters were evaluated on their overall programming theme and how well they incorporated the Delta Gamma philosophy into their activities, and the attendance at the events.
This year’s winner for Division I (Chapters with up to an avg of 49 local dues paid members) was Detroit North Suburban!
They knew that in a down economy rich programming was the key to growing their chapter and caring for their members. They utilized the theme “The Total Woman: Mind, Body and Spirit,” and linked their thoughtful activities back to the Delta Gamma philosophy.
They recognized that members are stretched by many commitments so they took care to offer multi‐purpose programming. For example, at one of their golden Anchor programs they worked with residents of an assisted living facility to create black and white fleece blankets for visually impaired babies of Ropard’s Low Vision Center.
Division II (chapters with 50‐105 local dues paid members).
The winning Chapter in Division II is Austin! This amazing group utilized a theme of “Back to the Basics,” and worked to ensure that all their events had some blend of community, foundation, membership development, networking and sisterhood. From selling Colorado’s own “Anchors Awake” and “Delta Gamma” blend coffee from the Unseen Bean (your group can too – go to www.theunseenbean.com) to benefit their local guide dog organization, to sharing Thanksgiving recipes and traditions with the collegians, to giving silver anchor holiday ornaments to area legacies each December, this chapter truly defines well‐rounded programming!
Division iii (106 or more local dues paid members). This chapter’s year‐long focus on “caring” – for friendships, community, fraternity history, children, service and sight –made a difference -high attendance at their meetings, a completely sold‐out founders day and two to five new members attending each month.
Many chapters try to include “something for everyone” through their programming, but this year’s winner truly achieves this goal. They do it through excellent leadership, communication and creativity, and using their local dg resources for speakers, presentations and fundraisers. The result is a personal, meaningful experience.
This year’s winner in division iii is portland suburban.
It's my (first) Convention and I'll cry if I want to.
Paige Browning
Pi-University of Montana 2010
Kimberly Valvis
Delta Pi- University of Southern Mississippi/ Gamma Zeta- LSU
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I thought I was Prepared
First up, opening banquet. We were sitting by region so I was looking forward to seeing the other chapter presidents who really understand what my chapter is like! Little did I know, I was in for a big surprise! Megan, a Theta chapter sister, and I were the first to sit down at our table and were followed by some other women who had a very rich history with Delta Gamma (as I was about to find out). We had a lovely dinner and as usual I was making converstaion and new friends! Once they all learned I was Theta chapter president they reminded me of how special Theta chapter is (tears well up in my eyes for the first of many times this weekend). We finished dinner and had a fabulous time with the Drum Cafe and then went on our ways in hopes we would again see each other in the morning!
Well, the first session is called to order and again, tears well up in my eyes as Theta chapter is called for role. I was already feeling how big DG is and again how I shared something so special with all of these women. Then it was time to announce the Board of Advisors and I suddenly realized - I ate dinner with these women last night! As the names Maggie Hess Watkins (Alpha Xo- West Virginia), Betsey Inch Fouss (Alpha Xi - West Virginia) and Marge Sweatt Gorsline (Gamma Epsilon - Kent State), I had chills. These women, along with Barbara Cameron (Delta Rho - Virginia Tech) and Alice Ashmore were who I had dinner with last night! These women helped create the history and legacy of this Fraternity through their service as President of the Fraternity, Directors and Fraternity Executive Director. The tears came for a third time. I could not help to want to engage more with these women and hear their stories. I am definitely making time for that Friday!
As tears came for the fourth time during our rituals, I realized that Delta Gamma will always be with me and I hope I can someday give back as much as these women have to the Fraternity.
Sometimes the best things in life, you just can't prepare for.
Elizabeth Billman, Theta Chapter president
1st time Convention attendeee
Election Results
Beth Bell Searcy - President
Deborah Byrd Etheridge - VP: Collegians
Mary Anne Ruman Lachenmaier - VP: Alumnae
Laurie Petrucce Roselle - VP: Fraternity Programming
Shaun Fisher Young - VP: Membership
Dell Shay Kingan - VP: Finance
Laurie Watson Kight - VP: Communications
Congratulations to these women who will serve our Fraternity for the next biennium!
Stories of Hope
Maureen Syring ROCKS! We are all #1 and HOPE is a choice that Delta Gamma offers every day.
Four years ago, as a senior in college, I suddenly lost my father. I was devastated, depressed, and confused. He passed on a Thursday, and all I knew that would comfort me was Sunday chapter meeting. Being with my sisters was like a warm embrace. They brought me hope. I knew I'd survive with Delta Gamma to carry me through. With Father's Day approaching, I normally dread that day. However, I could never imagine a better place to be but here in the arms of my Delta Gee. ~ ITB Anonymous blogger
My voice counts!
I am one voice, and my voice counts.
Allison Sayre Paugh
Gamma Iota-DePauw University
Columbus Alumnae Chapter
Regional Alumnae Specialist-Region 4
Denver is my 4th Convention
Hello To Sisters at Home
From the Charlotte, NC Chapter: It's great running into all our current and previous ladies. Check out facebook for picture uploads. Off to Initiation! Love ITB, Alison Smith, Beta Zeta - Denison
Loving Convention in Denver, wish all my Epsilon Pi sisters could be here with me! Shout out to Mae, love you.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer from AZ of DG! Miss you girls!! ITB, Mary
Sisters! I'm having such an incredible time so far in Colorado! Your sisters from Canada are glad to visit and share all these memories with you! ~ the rockstar
Hi, Helen Gordon! We miss you! Love and ITB, Your DGs in France sisters (Danielle, Tricia and Christine)
Greetings from Delta Gamma Convention in Denver, Boston chapter! Enjoy the lobster bake at DG alumna Jo Bero's. Have a wonderful summer kickoff! ITB, Lynn Ray Boston Alumnae president
Friday, June 18, 2010
To a special sister at home
Delta Gamma's current NPC Delegate, Barbara Bartlett Probst, asked to share a special message to her DG sister at home in Phoenix. Thanks to Barbara and many, many other DG's at Convention, everyone at home feels like they're in on the action!
Paige Browning
Pi-University of Montana 2010
Denver is my second Convention
10,000 Miles to Kindness
At today’s Leadership Luncheon tears flowed easily as we all related to the pain caused by cruel catty girl behavior which can rear its ugly head as early on as grade school. Molly Stroud, Eta Alpha, a 2009 graduate of Pepperdine University and co-founder of the King Campaign, challenged each of us to to act upon the values of social responsibility we profess as Delta Gammas. She, along with her non profit organization partner and a their two mothers set off on a 10,000 mile journey across the United States to document girl behavior and how kind words can make a difference to make the world a better place. In addition they launched an interactive program via their website www.kindcampaing.com where you and your daughters and friends can make a Kind Pledge, a Kind Apology and contribute your personal stories to the Kindmag and the Truth Wall.
Do you have the courage to lead with purpose? Make a pledge to be kind in what you do and say. Judging others, gossiping, being mean does not have to be an auto response. We as Delta Gammas should put our values into action and lead with purpose.
Sheila Ryan Carney
EN-James Madison University
Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
Denver is my 5th Convention
Looks like a Legacy?
Paige Browning
Pi-University of Montana 2010
Denver is my 2nd Convention
DG Convention= Kid in a Toy Store!
"When I walked into convention I felt like a 6-year-old walking into FAO Schwartz. Overwhelmed with excitement. Did I love DG before? Yes. Do I love DG more now? Absolutely. -Jenna Nicoletti Williams, ATC at Zeta Iota-Chapman University
Kristen McClellan
Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Denver is my 2nd Convention
Excitement Never Ends at Convention!
Keep checking back today as we keep you posted on the attendees’ mood & opinion on all things convention: from ‘Ah-ha!’ Convention moments, to how comfortable the bed is, and everything in-between!
Kristen McClellan & Sarah Jane Cella
Delta Lambda-Mississippi State & Zeta Zeta- Boston University
Denver is our 2nd Convention!
Needed: Convention Pedometer
Sheila and I counted our paces last night from our room to the elevator. Since she is taller than I am, it took her 182 paces to my 210. We have determined that our room is located in
Staige Davis Hodges, Beta Theta-Duke
Portland Suburban alumnae chapter
More Cow
Lest we wonder further what the drum sticks in the vases in the center of our tables were for at last night’s opening banquet, we soon found out…the entertainment was Café Drum, an interactive performing/motivational speaker/aerobics instructor-esque (think “hunky Richard Simmons”) drum ensemble. We, the audience, smacked our drum sticks on cue to the beat in an escalating frenzy of rhythm, driving the attendees of the two other Conventions in the hotel insane, I am sure.
And then, he brought out the cow bell.
With Saturday Night Live’s classic skit forever etched upon my brain, I apparently showed my age when I said to two younger alumnae behind me, “More cow bell!” and they looked at me like I had three heads. The energy was certainly apparent when members were paraded on stage to dance to the rhythm, including our own Laura O’Brien, blogger extraordinaire. See incriminating photos.
Oh, Will Ferrell, where were you tonight?
Staige Davis Hodges, Beta Theta-Duke
Portland Suburban alumnae chapter
"I'm on a DG high!!!"
What an AMAZING start to the week! The Opening Banquet program was fabulous (not to mention the scrumptious food… minus the mushrooms J) The Drum Café is the company that performed tonight with a very dynamic and inclusive presentation. Each attendee received two drumsticks and followed along with the beats the Café leader created. We also got the chance to make up our own!! I’ll tell ya, it was so awesome to watch our sisters of all ages, drumming and dancing to the beat! I feel like it broke down some nerve walls and really put us in sync! It was a great way to begin these next days of Delta Gamma business!
Following the program (and after waiting in a line for the restroom as we women always do… but at least we were all sisters), I was off to the Region 6 meeting. It was so fun to cheer for our hardworking team and to hear the same through the walls for the others! Delta Gamma is so blessed to have such dedicated women to run our regional business. I didn’t get to stay for long, though, because I was off to the Resolutions Committee meeting. I’m not serving on the committee; rather, I’m assisting in the scribing of the resolutions. It’s such an intriguing part of DG business! Tonight the committee chose courtesy resolutions to draft up by tomorrow evening (and when they’ll have the time for that, I’ll never know)! Courtesy Resolutions (as far as I can describe) are items adopted to the DG Convention agenda as official messages, such as thanking the hotel staff for their hospitality, or to Convention volunteers, etc. What an awesome way to provide recognition!
While changing into my jammies I realized, I’m on a DG high! It certainly is a rush to feel the love, HOPE, and support that surrounds everyone of us, and especially to feel everyone else’s here at Convention!
Until tomorrow,
Megan Petter
Gamma Nu-North Texas
Dallas North Cities Alumnae Chapter/ Denton Area Association
Denver is my 2nd Convention!
Drum Cafe Rocks DG Opening Banquet

Attendees followed the banquet with regional gatherings and regional photos.
Random quote heard from a young attendee while walking from regional photos back to regional gathering "You know what is so weird? ALL of these women are Delta Gammas!"
Teena Tabor
Beta Pi-Willamette
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
Denver is my 5th Convention