We think Misty Byrd Foster, Delta Pi-Southern Mississippi, says it well, “I am thankful for all the wonderful friendships I made throughout school. Delta Gamma gave me the opportunity to make lifelong friends.”
Isn’t that the truth?
We love to hear members thankful for their sisterhood and we want to keep it going. During this holiday season, we challenge you to make it a priority to connect or possibly re-connect with a pledge sister, adviser who inspired you or a DG relative. Catch up, talk about Delta Gamma or make a commitment to get together. Or even easier, make a difference in someone else’s day by telling them what they mean to you.
And to prove Delta Gamma sisterhood really is for a lifetime, Marty Wynne, Beta Eta-Texas, shares, “I am thankful for DG sisters who, although they have never met you and don't know you, will do a kindness for you for no other reason than you are a DG sister.”
And for THAT we are thankful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Note: If you wish to contribute a blog story idea, write to blog@deltagamma.org. We look forward to hearing from you. The photo above is our Facebook featured photo and features joyful collegians from Eta Delta chapter at the University of North Florida on Bid Day.
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