Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why Founders Day is celebrated in March

The celebration of Founders Day is one of the most precious traditions of Delta Gamma Fraternity.  Since its inception in 1887, collegiate and alumnae groups have observed this occasion with banquets, luncheons or other appropriate celebrations.  It has been a day for reunions with other members and a time for renewal and rededication to the Fraternity and its ideals.  Traditionally held on or near March 15, the date was chosen by Eta chapter, University of Akron.

It was Abby Soule, former ANCHORA Editor, who first publicized the idea for a celebration when she made a plea in 1887 for a reunion day to be reserved for all Delta Gammas.  Since our founding at Christmas time was not a good time to celebrate, Eta chapter introduced this idea at the 1888 Convention, noting that their chapter was already observing it on March 15, the date of its charter.  The 1888 Convention decreed that all chapters should observe a special day and Founders Day was established.

Founders Day is dignified and inspirational in nature and usually consists of a roll call by chapters and an inspirational talk given by a member or outstanding speaker.  News of the Fraternity and local accomplishments and events, recognition of members for outstanding achievement and service, plus recognition of anniversary members, and activities which serve to renew pride in and devotion to the Fraternity are included in the program.  This year marks our 140th anniversary, reason for a grand celebration!

Marilyn Haas, Alpha Rho-Ohio Wesleyan, is the Fraternity archivist at EO. She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband. You can reach Marilyn at

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